Food, Garden, Health/Life

How to cut oregano so it grows more


You can actually harvest oregano again and again. Read the guide for how to cut oregano so it grows more, with our easy steps.

Oregano gives many dishes an aromatic note. Here you will find valuable tips on harvesting and preserving the popular herb. In order to be able to enjoy the spicy aroma of oregano to the fullest level, a few points must be observed when harvesting. 

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The popular herb is an indispensable ingredient, especially in Mediterranean cuisine when preparing pizza and pasta dishes. The native wild form of oregano is the common one (Origanum vulgare), also called wild marjoram. The herbs and herbs can be grown both in the herb bed and in the pot on the balcony or terrace. A sunny location and a well-drained, nutrient-poor substrate are ideal.

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How to cut oregano so it grows more

You can continually harvest fresh leaves and shoot tips during the growing season from spring to autumn. The best time to harvest is on a dry morning. When it is in full bloom in July / August, oregano has the strongest aromatic and healing properties. To dry oregano, cut the shoots a hand’s width above the ground.

It is best to cut off individual shoot tips with scissors or – if you only need individual leaves – strip them off the stems. The best time to harvest during the day is in the morning when the plants are dry. Proceed carefully, because the herb is very sensitive to pressure: pressure points quickly turn the leaves brown, which then lose their aroma.

Freshly harvested oregano shoots can be placed briefly in a container with water or wrapped in damp cloths and placed in the refrigerator. Before preparation, the herb should only be rinsed briefly and shaken dry. Most types of oregano develop their aroma best when they are cooked: It is therefore advisable to cook the shoots for the last 15 minutes of the preparation time. After cooking, the stalks can simply be removed again.

  • The prerequisite to cut oregano so it grows more is of course that it has stems and leaves, as they carry the aromatic taste of oregano. However, oregano has most of the flavors when it is in bloom, which is the case in midsummer. The harvest should ideally take place in the flowering season.
  • When harvesting, be sure to cut the oregano about a hand’s breadth above the ground.
  • If you want to dry the oregano, pack the individual stems together as a bundle.

After harvesting, you should dry the oregano. If larger quantities are required, for example to dry a store of oregano, you should wait until the herb has blossomed. Because at full bloom oregano has stored most of the ingredients and has the strongest flavor. This is mostly the case in July / August. It is best to cut the shoots a hand’s width above the ground. After the flowering period, you should no longer undertake any radical pruning so that the perennial plants survive the winter well.

Freezing oregano is less recommended – but it is nonetheless a possible preservation method if the freshly harvested leaves cannot be used directly. To do this, strip the leaves off the branches and place them in portions in ice cube trays or small freezer bags. Depending on your needs, the frozen oregano can simply be removed from the freezer and used for cooking.

How to dry oregano

Also, don’t forget about the other used you can employ oregano for, as well as tossing it into your favourite spaghetti bolognaise recipe! For a start, try it in our easy recipe for how to make herbal salts — a great addition to many dishes or even to have on the table.

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