
How to show you are solution-oriented in job interviews

show you are solution-oriented in job interviews

How can you be more solution-oriented? And how can you show you are solution-oriented in job interviews? Our guide outlines the strategy.

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What is required is “solution-oriented and independent work”, the ideal applicant can “think flexibly and solution-oriented” or they have a “solution-oriented way of working”. Many job advertisements read like this or similar. But what does solution orientation mean anyway? And how do you show you are solution-oriented in job interviews and even in the application process?

What does “solution-oriented” mean in job advertisements?

Solution orientation is a basic stance in which precious life energy is not wasted on rolling problems. While problems should not be prettied up or ignored, the focus is rather deliberately on what can be done to improve the situation.

Does that explain everything? Not at all! So I asked the interviewee straight away in an interview what the desired solution orientation means for him in the job advertisement. My counterpart – a marketing director – let me know: “Solution orientation means that my team approaches me with proposed solutions and not with problems and a high level of standards. They should develop solutions themselves and then ask for permission to implement them”. 

An interesting attitude and a completely new concept for everyone who is used to classic management structures. So it may be worth taking a closer look here. This knowledge can tip the scales and decide whether you get a job or a rejection, so it is definitely worthwhile to show you are solution-oriented in job interviews.

Most already fail with these questions in the interview

Caution: Your potential future superiors naturally expect advantages from your solution orientation. Prepare yourself thoroughly for your interview . Think about how you can best convey that you are a better choice than other applicants. Prepare yourself for questions that try to surprise you. For example, do you have an answer ready if you are asked what solution-oriented work is or what it looks like for you?

Other possible questions:

  • What solution-oriented strategies do you use to promote your team?
  • Which of your successes was the result of your solution-oriented action?
  • What has your solution-oriented attitude contributed to so far?
  • To what extent do you strive for solution orientation, how and why?

The dos and don’ts of solution-oriented action

  1. DON’T – Don’t stiffen up on problems. Problems should not be dissected down to the last detail. You don’t always have to understand why a problem exists, how it came about, or who is to blame. Sometimes you don’t have to analyze a problem in minute detail to find a solution. Chewing problems wastes too much time and energy. Better use them elsewhere.
  2. DON’T – No catastrophe thinking : Don’t imagine worst case scenarios. Better silence your inner panic maker. Also, don’t specifically look for things that go wrong to criticize them. Mention problems when you can already present a possible solution to your supervisor. Make her / him thistasty.
  3. DON’T – It doesn’t matter who is to blame, the solution is more urgent. Sure, if something went wrong, you should take responsibility or avoid the role of victim. But it also means that you don’t waste time looking for guilty parties. Blaming does not solve problems.
  4. DON’T – Try not to whine . Present yourself calmly and confidently to superiors and employees. Let us see: Our team can do it.
  5. DO – Pay attention to your language. Be positive, appreciative and effective in conversations. For example, talk about resources instead of problems. Because when talking about possibilities, the decision about what to do is not far.
  6. DO – exude confidence. Try to look to the future with confidence and to yourself. For one, it means believing that there are always multiple solutions to a problem. On the other hand, it means believing in yourself and that you have all the skills you need to deal with problems. Confidence is a basic attitude – also in the interview.
  7. DO – Be adaptable. “Do something. If it works, do more of it. If it doesn’t, do something else, ”Franklin D. Roosevelt is said to have said once. This is exactly what applies to solution-oriented action: did a solution work well in the past? Try the same strategy for similar problems. Solutions are often more similar than the problems themselves. On the other hand, if a solution does not work, do not try to continue stubbornly. Change your strategy.
  8. DON’T – Avoid working as directed. The work should always be based on the solution – not the other way around. Be open to constructive criticism, but also to accept help, delegate or try new solutions. Work according to the regulations also works if you do not exhaust your personal resources or strengths for the team. You are your own expert: tell your superiors and team members about your particular strengths.
  9. DO – Think along. A solution-oriented perspective primarily relieves the manager, the responsibility is shared between the team. It is not up to the manager alone to think of a strategy for how employees can achieve better work results in the future.
  10. DO – Infect work colleagues with your solution orientation . If a colleague whines or blames you, don’t fall into the same pattern, support him with a positive attitude. Direct the focus on the options for action and away from the problem. Even if a colleague constantly pessimistic horror scenarios or insists that a task is unsolvable, be calm and confident and convey to her: You can do it.

How to show you are solution-oriented in job interviews

Tell success stories – prove solution orientation

By now it should be clear: The goal of solution-oriented work is not just that – but how – solutions are found. Now prove your solution-oriented basic attitude in job interviews through specific experiences of success. This strategy requires some preparation. Prepare short, interesting anecdotes about the fact that you were not looking for problems, but looking for solutions. Never try to use this technique without preparation! 

Avoid, on the other hand, just repeating what you have learned by heart. The fact is: listeners remember stories better than facts or claims. Anecdotes guarantee that you will stay longer and better after the interviewin memory .If you prepare for an interview in this way, nothing can go wrong. Now all you have to do is apply for your dream job.