
How to make your own DIY perfumed bath salts

Homemade herbal salt

When the days are getting shorter and colder, it’s high time to transform your own four walls into a soothing home spa. With the following instructions for DIY bath salt you can pamper your skin and relax after a stressful day. I’ll show you how to make your own DIY perfumed bath salts.

Make your own DIY perfumed bath salts: ingredients

For the bath salt you need only a few ingredients:

  • 500 g of coarse sea salt
  • 50 g of dried flowers
  • A few drops of essential oil

For my bath salt variant, I opted for a mixture of rose and lavender flowers. You are welcome to use other flowers. Mix the sea salt with the dried flowers and add a few drops of essential oil. How much oil you use depends on how intense the scent of your bath salts should be. I chose 25 drops of rose oil.

Now let the mixture pass well and then fill it in preserving jars or other containers. Caution only with glasses with metal lid. Metal oxidizes with salt!

Now it’s time to relax

After just a few hours after you make your own DIY perfumed bath salts, the bath salts can be used for a relaxing bath. The rose oil has just as the sea salt a nourishing effect on our skin. It makes us more receptive to beauty and love. In addition, rose oil opens our soul and our heart. It is thus perfect for a few minutes break in the evening. The scent of lavender helps us to switch off additionally and ensures inner balance. Both ingredients give the bath salt thus a relaxing effect.

If you know someone in your circle of friends who also needs some relaxation or if you are looking for a homemade gift, then to make your own DIY perfumed bath salts is also a gift idea. It not only succeeds easily, but is also customizable to the person you want to give it. So, for example, balm oil helps against stress. Or how about a basil mixture? Basil oil is said to improve memory, strengthen the mind and raise spirits.

No matter what occasion you need the bath salt, I wish you a lot of fun with the imitation and some soothing hours in which you can devote yourself entirely to your beauty.